Monday, June 16, 2008

Presentation from May 28 meeting now posted

City staff has posted a PDF file with their PowerPoint presentation
from the May 28 Community Meeting.

Reading this is a good way to get up to speed on how the City is positioning this project.

A few notes:
- All of the sample reservoirs cited in this proposal were either below sports fields (3) or on a barren hilltop (1).

- Slide 12 is incorrect: the 2005 Kennedy/Jenks report actually did NOT evaluate Burgess, the VA, or St. Patrick's Seminary (private lands). Those three sites were evaluated in the June 2000 Metcalf and Eddy report. The only Menlo Park sites fully evaluated by the Kennedy/Jenks study were Willow Oaks Park and Seminary Oaks Park.

- Slide 22 shows the project progress, which indicates that the only opportunity for public involvement is in park redesign.


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